Skin and Soul
Fine art nude photography is the most difficult and the most rewarding type of photography I do. It’s both hard and beautiful, fragile and powerful. It’s about crossing the boundaries and fighting the taboo, but most importantly it’s about chasing off our inner demons of self-esteem.
Here are the reasons why an artistic nude photo session is definitely worth it!
1. Show your body the love
What I appreciate the most in artistic nude photography is that it teaches us to appreciate, cherish and love our bodies. By exposing them to art we give them even more value. By being photographed, we show our bodies that we are proud of them and we accept them, no matter how beautiful they really are. Maybe they’re not perfect, maybe we think we are a little too big, too thin, too… so many other things, but when we see our bodies as pieces of art printed on fine art paper, we gain confidence and pride. There are no clothes to hide behind and fashion to express who we are. It’s just our skin and soul. There are so few opportunities to show the beauty of our bare skin, our curves, the shades on our bones. Fine art nude photography really is a celebration of beauty of a human body.
2. Nude art photo-theraphy
Photographing our bodies can be therapeutic and liberating. We all have our complexes. I hear countless times women saying that their bodies are not beautiful enough to be photographed nude. I think it’s just another limit that we put on ourselves. It’s up to us to decide if we are pretty enough or not. Nude photo session is a great therapy for those who doubt in their beauty and lack self-esteem. It’s a manifestation of acceptance and happiness. Our bodies are the true us. Everything else, clothes, accessories, shoes, is what somebody else decided for us. Getting rid of all that allows us to breathe deeply. We become light, as if big weight got off our shoulders. It’s not the weight of our clothes, but the weight of our fears and doubts.
3. Nude is timeless
What also draws me to artistic nude photography is the concept of timelessness that being nude entails. Fine art nude is not categorised by fashion, clothing, hair style and make-up, which makes it eternal. At times I take photos of models that are half-nude and also in that case, instead of using fashionable clothing, I rather use a piece of a flowing fabric. Fabric loosely wrapped around a body is romantic, eternal and timeless.
4. Harmony with nature
Being nude also brings us closer to nature. As an artistic nude photographer, I shoot primarily outdoors, in locations lost in the middle of wild nature. It gives me a sense of going back to the roots. We come from the Earth and we will one day go back to it. We belong to nature and it’s important to me to underline the harmony between nature and human body.
5. Share something special with your beloved
Fine art prints with artistic nudity are an original and creative gift that you can make to your other half. Let him/her enjoy our beauty and see art in you if he/she still hasn’t. Who knows, maybe this gift will give a new twist to the story of your relationship?
How do I work
During an artistic nude photo session it is important to me to make you feel comfortable, taken care of and even a little spoiled. Your trust is crucial to me. After all, you’re exposing the secrets of your body to me and it’s a rare privilege. Photographing nudes is like holding a piece of crystal, which is both beautiful and fragile. That’s why building a supportive relationship during the shoot is very important. An artistic nude session is about giving and taking. You give me your trust and overcome your fears, while I strive to give you the tools to fall in love with your body.
My little share
I have photographed artistic nudes in Italy and Poland and I noticed that despite cultural and geographical differences, we all have the same barriers, and I presume that these barriers stretch to most women around the globe. That’s why I would love to have my little share in helping women overcome their insecurities towards their bodies, because once we overcome them, we unlock the artistic potentials our bodies have.
Is fine art nude photography something you were thinking about, but you never found enough courage / motivation / reason to do it? Would like to take part in artistic nude session?